Sunday, March 8, 2009

Watchmen hits the big screen………

The long awaited graphic novel has finally made it to the big screen……The Dack read it many years ago and found it to be the driest comic book I have ever read, fortunately the film is a much sleeker and sexier package….. a epic story that covers many different characters and also tackles issues like basic human nature, evils of war, if the humans are capable of a peaceful existence, violence, rape and others that comic books at the time did not cover.

After several failed attempts at bringing this story to the big screen……. Zack Snyder’s version reached the goal and does a wonderful job of being a cinematic representation of the original story. Just like he did in 300, Snyder gives us slick action sequences that are a pleasure to watch. For the most part the acting is spot on and although there are a couple of weak spots……… this film is an adaptation of a comic book so the Dack expects and accepts such things…… when super hero films have Shakespearean quality acting my love for the genre will die.

For those that have never read the Watchmen graphic novel, the Watchmen is a beautifully filmed violent, sex-filled movie about super hero’s you’ve never heard of but it also has more to think about than any super hero film that has come before it. Because the Dack enjoyed these things Watchmen gets sevenDacks.

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