Saturday, February 7, 2009

He's Just Not That Into You.......... Or He's just a Stupid Guy...

In the spirit of togetherness the Dack traveled to the cinema Friday night with the Dackette to check out the latest Hollywood chick flick.... While the Dack can honestly say that he went into this film thinking little enjoyment would be had. Did this movie prove me wrong... well, not really, however there were several preformances that did give the Dack something to enjoy.

Justin Long proved yet again that he is ready to take the lead of a film, he was by far the best male performance. The other male characters were so flat, I wanted to reach into the screen and slap them because they were insulting to the Dack as a man. Playing men that care only of big breasts and tight butts..... sure I know men like this but I tend to make fun of them even in real life. Ben Affleck's character who, on principle breaks up with his girl friend of seven years that he loves dearly just because he doesn't believe in marriage.... all I was thinking through his entire performance was, if you love this woman so much why wouldn't you marry her if it was something that she felt she needed.

As for the women in the movie.... well, they didn't fair too much better. Besides Ginnifer Goodwin giving a wonderful performance as a woman wanting more than anything to have Mr. Right sweep her off her feet, the remainder of the female cast gave little if anything more than just a one note character. Scarlett Johansson who the Dack used to think was enough of a reason to see a film gave such a sad performance as a misguided home wrecker that the Dack has decided she has given up on actually acting and is now content to shake her goodies (which seem to have grown recently... I am thinking of looking into the concept that as an actresses breasts get larger her acting becomes equally worst) on screen. Jennifer Aniston, Jennifer Connelly, Drew Barrymore who are all ladies the Dack normally finds delightful on screen did nothing other than collect a pay check in this one.

The Dack admits that most of the poor acting was probably due to the story trying to cram to many interweaving plots together. This idea can be pulled off but in this film it just ended up cutting any kind of character development out of all but the story of Ginnifer Goodwin's character which is probably why the Dack enjoyed her storyline the best. Cutting out at least one of the five different stories being told in the film would have allowed the other stories to be developed properly.

If your lady is getting irritated that you haven't taken her to see a girly movie you could probably do worse.... The Dack is giving this one fourDacks mainly because I am such a big fan of Justin Long.

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