Monday, September 17, 2007

2007 Fall Television....

The new Fall Television Season starts this week so Dack is bringing you his top 5 new shows of the year. Please feel free to comment on any other shows that you are looking forward too.

Chuck (NBC) September 24th 8:00 – This show is about a nerd that works for something similar to Best Buy’s Geek Squad. He accidentally gets a hold of top secret information and somehow becomes a government agent. It might be funny but the Dack is a little concerned that this plot will run thin after a month.

Aliens In America (CW) October 1st 8:30 – No this show isn’t about space aliens. What it is about is a Wisconsin family that gets a foreign exchange student from the Middle East. Dack is really looking forward to his although it doesn’t seem like it could last for much over 1 season……culture jokes are funny.

Reaper (CW) September 25th 9:00 – Wouldn’t it be funny if you found out when you turned 21 that your parents sold your soul to the Devil and now for repayment you have to go around sending souls back to hell. The Dack thinks so too. Of all the new shows coming this fall I am looking forward to this the most just for the fact that Dack favorite Kevin Smith is an executive producer and directed the pilot.

Dirty Sexy Money (ABC) September 26th 10:00 – The only new drama on the Dacks radar it might end up being too much of a soap to watch but Peter Krause (Six Feet Under) and Donald Sutherland are enough of a reason to tune in a check out.

Cavemen (ABC) October 2nd 8:00 – How can I not put this one on the list??! Not sure how long this show can possibly be funny but I chuckle at the commercials.

Here are 5 shows that are coming back that you are probably already watching…….. However if you aren’t you should at least take a look.

Heroes (NBC) September 24th 9:00 – This is my favorite show by far on television right now. If you have any love in your heart for comic books, super heroes or sci-fi and aren’t watching this show……..START WATCHING!!!

Dexter (Showtime) September 30th 9:00 – Instead of putting CSI on this list I am putting this show on. Imagine if one of the members of the CSI team was actually a serial killer seeking out and killing criminals.

How I Met Your Mother (CBS) September 24th 8:00 – This show is the new friends. Actually the Dack thinks it’s funnier. If you get a chance take a look. It was by far one of the top sit coms on last season and continues to get better.

Scrubs (NBC) October 25th 9:30 – This is the last season for this hilarious comedy. The writers have a lot to wrap up. Although I have never been a consistent viewer I have never seen a bad episode…..I don’t think there are any. Plus with guest stars like Tom Cavanagh and rumors around trying get John Cusack for at least one episode how can you not want to watch.

Office (NBC) September 27th 9:00 and 30 Rock (NBC) October 4th 8:30 – I have seen less of an episode of each of these show but have been told that each are worth checking. So take my advice and check them out too. I know the Office in it’s 3rd season is probably on most peoples radar but 30 Rock just won this years emmy for best comedy series so it should be on your radar too.

Later this week I will be posting my end of summer television wrap up.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Indy 4 Gets a Title...

Indiana Jones 4 finally has a title. Last Sunday Shia LaBeouf dropped the name on the MTV Music Video Awards. Sorry about the delay in getting the news out but the news must have been lost with the Britney fiasco.

And the name is ...... Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.

5 possible titles were discovered by in August.
Indiana Jones and...The Lost City of Gold...The Destroyer of Worlds...The City of Gods...The Fourth Corner of the World...The Quest For The Covenant...

Kingdom of the Crystal Skull isn't my favorite but at least a new Indiana Jones is on the way and that is the best news at all.

Check out this new trailer for a film I have been looking forward to for a couple of months now....

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

IRON MAN!!!!!!

With all the new comic book movies that are coming out......I take most news of new ones with a grain of salt. Never sure weather they will be awesome (Blade, Batman Begins, X-Men, Hellboy) or they can suck (Superman Returns, Punisher, Batman Forever) but when a good one comes I can feel it. After tons of hype and a trailer that got a ton of buzz at Comic Con the teaser trailer for Iron Man just came out.

Unfortunately I can't find the actual trailer on Youtube because Paramount or whoever has the rights to the movie is being a punk ass and getting it removed. However I was able to find this.

Please watch and enjoy. I can't wait till this comes out. Robert Downey Jr is awesome!!

I will put up the nice trailer as soon as I find it.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Dragged to the Nanny Diaries.......

I had the privilege of going to see Scarlett Johansson's latest movie 2 weeks ago.

Ok, so I wasn't jumping up and down to see a movie I had a feeling might not be on any of my 2007 top 10 lists. It certainly wasn't the worst film I had seen this summer.

It wasn't good or bad it just kind of happened. It got the Dack thinking about his rules for what makes a Romantic Comedy worthy of watching.

So here they are the 5 things a Romantic Comedy should have to satisfy the males being forced to watch because that should be the goal if you are going to make a film that a woman is going to want someone of the opposite sex to take her to see.

1. Funny. This seems obvious but more often than not the funny just isn't there or there perhaps there just isn't enough funny. Let me be also add some specifics on funny. Funny does not mean stupid..... I am looking for smart witty writing or the male lead in the film to have the ability to create funny.

2. Good Story. I know Romantic Comedies lack originality but try and add a different twist or turn to some part of the girl meets guy, guy meets girl plot. For ideas on who to accomplish this see Sleepless In Seattle or As Good As It Gets.....note, this does not mean copy these ideas.

3. Cute Girl. Yep it seems silly but if you are forcing a guy to take a girl on a date to sit in a dark theater and watch two people fall in love on screen the least he could ask for is a girl in the movie to be cute. Remember most guys would rather be watching explosions, car chases or gun fights.

4. Likable Male Lead. This does not mean a hot washboard abs fool. It means a guy that those of us watching of the male persuasion will be able to relate to on some level.

5. Quality Supporting Characters. Most movies I have seen need more than just two characters. Give these additional people some depth and by all means have them be at least a little funny.

So how does The Nanny Diaries do fulfilling The Dacks requirements?

Scarlett Johansson does an excellent job looking pretty.

Yep, that's it. I don't remember really laughing at all. The backdrop of the film is the marriage of parents the boy Scarlett is taking care of is falling apart. Not really idea for romance. Chris Evans might be a nice guy in real life but on the big screen he always comes across, as a guy that knows he's hot isn't really big on the actual acting. As for supporting actors....the only memorable one is Paul Giamatti playing a horrible husband and father.

Scarlett might be a good actress (See her in Lost In Translation playing opposite Bill Murry) but she hasn't proven she can carry a whole film on her own and it takes more than just being hot to get more than the twoDacks Diaries gets.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Super McLovin.........

I have recently heard Superbad called the funniest teenage comedy in years......

First of all......If you are a fan of the high school sexy comedy this is a movie for you. If American Pie or Fast Times at Ridgemont High weren't your cup of tea then you should probably pass on this movie.

However if there is a place in your heart for both loveable and unlovable nerds on a quest for booz and sex before high school ends then Superbad is a movie for you.

Fortunately for me there is just such a place in my heart........

Jonah Hill and Michael Cera play best friends Seth and Evan about to graduate high school and head off to different colleges and they are fully aware that once this happens their friendship will never be the same. So when Seth is approached by a popular girl in school that he has a crush on to get alcohol for her party and fellow nerd Fogell A.K.A McLovin gets a fake ID a night of adventure begins.

I will say this film defiantly earns every bit of its R rating so consider yourself warned. However underneath all the crude jokes is a very realistic story of two friends who are totally devoted to one another and are having to deal with growing up and the risk that brings of growing apart.

Newcomer Christopher Mintz-Plasse steals ever scene he is in as super nerd Fogell who through the coarse of the film becomes McLovin. His lack of being an established actor shines but it also adds a realistic feel to this film where besides a few hilarious side adventures you can actually imagine something very close to this film actually happening in real life.

I am torn on whether to rate this movie with my heart or my head........So it gets a very enthusiastic eightDacks. Perfect for a guys only night........especially if you were ever a nerd in school.

Rush Hour 3..............Really............A Third One....

I'm not really sure what drove me to purchase a ticket for this movie.........much less actually go into the theater. I think it was just my uncontrollable desire to see why anyone thought a 3rd Rush Hour needed to be brought into existence.

Yes, I know it was a terrible mistake to think there was any reason to see this movie but here are a few reasons for you to not make the same mistake I did.

The action is minimal........with a name like Rush Hour 3 I want to see lots of exploding things and car chases galore........oh, and some awesome ninja action from Jackie Chan. 1 car chase and 3 fight scenes and no explosions later I discovered the director apparently didn't think the same thing.

I want a story that drives the movies fast paced action. I wasn't expecting Shakespeare but I didn't even get The Transporter. I think I actually yawned a couple of times.

Even though this movie was horrible and I kept waiting for it to get better.............It was too short. Just when things finally got interesting it was over.......I need more than 90 minuets if I am going to pay today's ticket prices.

That's it.....

Don't go see this movie, don't rent it, when it is on TV don't waste you precious time watching it. If you get trapped on a lazy Saturday afternoon watching this call me.........I am sure I can help you come up with something more fun to do. Rush Hour 3 cruises to twoDacks.

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