Sunday, June 17, 2007

The Second Fantastic Four Movie is Just Good Enough...for me not to hate it.

When I go to see a movie I am always hoping for the best possible experience. However when it came time to see Fantastic Four Rise of the Silver Surfer I had to tell my common sense to take a back seat.

For those of you that didn't get a chance to see the first Fantastic Four movie here is what you missed. One of the most disappointing movies I have ever sat through. It had the potential to be good but every time it started to get there it would blow it with horrible acting, ridicules storyline, or truly unbelievable gaps in logic. Yes I know it seems foolish to think that a movie about super heroes should be logical but I think many other comic book films have proved that it is possible.

The second installment of the Fantastic Four had a much better flow, much of which has to do with the fact that the background for all the characters had already been set in the first movie. The acting was much better with each actor seeming more comfortable in character. Still there isn't much here besides special effects which where good. Jessica Alba is still super hot even though personally I preferred her Dark Angel days. Michael Chiklis is awesome as The Thing, I can't imagine anyone else in that role. Chris Evans and Ioan Gruffudd fit their characters but are a bit stale. Laurence Fishburne gives an amazing amount of life to a completely digital Silver Surfer given he only has 10 lines. I am thankful that unlike some of the handful of sequels coming out this summer this one actually manages to add something new to the story and not rehash something we've already seen. Although I think this movie was supposed to be targeted to comic book lovers like myself it seems more suited to those under 10, which surprisingly enough seemed to be a majority of the audience in the theater.

On a side note, while watching and at times enjoying this movie I began to think about all the comic book film that I have seen and how the second installment always seems to come together better a be a little more fun than the first. I am going to have to do a little more digging on this one, more to come later.

While I have a rating and recommendation for this movie my feeling is that if you are a huge comic book nerd you are probably going to end up seeing this movie at some point no matter what anyone says. And no, not just because Jessica Alba is the hottest chick on the planet (even with her somewhat creepy fake blue eyes) but because like me you hope it's the next X-Men. The real shame of this movie is that if you didn’t see the first movie you are going to be a little lost because this movie jumps right in to the story. However PLEASE DON’T use that as a reason to see the first it is a truly awful movie. This one winds up with threeDacks, I had to drop it by 1 just because it is connected to the first.

1 comment:

TonyBrotherOne said...

A friend of mine came up from LA, and we went to see this movie. Sometime during the first scene, we knew we had made a mistake choosing a movie. Pure hollywood garbage.

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