Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The Dack Experiences Texas…

I don’t normally rate anything more than Television and Film but as I just recently got back from Texas I figured I might share some of my thoughts about Texas around the San Antonio area.

I never thought Texas would be so wet. The giant theaters were surprisingly nice but what else are you going to do while it’s hot and rainy.

Here are a few other things I enjoyed...

That's me sampling some fine rum and a lady pouring some wine for my wife at the Costco Liquor store. To bad I missed the Sky Vodka from 12 to 3.

Oh, and these were Lady Dack's aunts front yard pets and yes they were huge.

Overall the San Antonio area of Texas gets a healthy sixDacks. Now let's get back to some film.

1 comment:

JR said...

Holy Crap. Those spiders are disgusting. Remind me to bring my .45 to Texas.

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