Sunday, June 17, 2007

Die Hard...

When I hear commercials for giant action films with lots of explosions my mind immediately jumps to Die Hard, John McClane (Bruce Willis) shoving a desk chair strapped with C-4 explosives down an elevator shaft to blow up some terrorists. Sheer Genius!!!! While Bruce Willis is running around a 40 story building killing every terrorist he sees, Alan Rickman is one of the best villains in a major studio action movie ever. He is smart, sophisticated, and pure evil at the same time.

Unlike a lot of mindless action movies where the acting or story make you question the film…Die Hard lets you just sit back and enjoy the fun, even when John McClane is jumping off the roof of a skyscraper with a fire hose strapped around his waist. Is it Believable? No, but it sure is Awesome!!

This one gets nineDacks and our recommendation for terrorists to just give up if John McClane comes a knocking.


JR said...

The older and more insane Bruce Willis gets, the more legit his character in Die Hard becomes. Honestly, I don't distinguish between the two anymore. Bruce McCane is awesome. They just don't make sweet franchises like this anymore. Plenty of nameless bad guys to kill, endless ammo clips, the indestructable body of McCane. Yippie Ki-Ay, can't wait to see it.

Unknown said...

I would have to agree with the 9 Dacks score on this one.

TonyBrotherOne said...

cannot wait. cannot wait. cannot wait. Anybody up to go?

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