Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Bourne Finishes Strong....

Over the past 5 years The Bourne Trilogy has very quietly become one of the most dependable spy franchises ever. Twenty years from now I expect to be talking about Matt Damon as Jason Bourne like people talk about Sean Connery as James Bond. No, Bourne isn’t slick and smooth like James Bond but he could kick Bond’s British Butt…probably with one arm tied behind his back.

Strolling into the theater on Sunday afternoon to see the latest in the series, Bourne Ultimatum, my only thought was hoping that this would finally end this summer’s sequels “dud” streak. The Dack could not have been more pleased.

The Bourne Ultimatum has everything you want in a sequel. It adds to the story, it doesn’t try to be bigger and flashier, and it’s a pleasure to watch. This film wraps all the loose ends up into a nice package while not shutting the book completely. Matt Damon once again does an excellent job as Bourne…a man of few words but a huge well of emotion and of course the ability to kick the crap out of every bad guy he comes across. Paul Greengrass is behind the camera again and starts right where he left off…..taking us on a trip across Europe chasing Bourne and this time around America as well. My one complaint of Greengrass is he relies a little too much on close up handheld camera shots during the action sequences to make the action feel faster. It worked brilliantly in United 93 but it gets a little old while Bourne is racing through the streets of New York. The rest of the cast, which includes David Stathairn and Joan Allen, do a satisfactory job, but this is Damon’s film and he proves he is a force to be reckoned with.

Do yourself a favor and go check this one out….if you haven’t seen the pervious two films, Bourne Identity and Bourne Supremacy, go rent them or borrow them from a friend today.

After seeing the film a friend and I discussed the possibility of Bourne being the best Trilogy ever. While I’m not ready to claim that….Bourne Ultimatum gets nineDacks.

When this comes out on DVD the Dack is totally hosting a Bourne night!

1 comment:

JR said...

Completely agree on the close-up camera work. For once, my dad and I were in total agreement leaving the theatre; the fighting and car chases were so close that I ended up a little queasy. Not a deal-breaker, but enough to be consciously distracting.

That said, I loved this flick.

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